And to think it all began with The Church Without Pants

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Bohu and Tohu, and the Canaries

Las Vegas Mayor Gives Wild Interview To CNN's Anderson Cooper Over ...
Wishing this was fake news, CNN's Anderson Cooper reacts as the Mayor of Las Vegas offers her constituents as lab rats to test for the presence of COVID-19

While patriots and politicians at all levels rally behind the President's recent warnings that the country needs to get back to business, Bohu and Tohu have been discussing Death Panels and "acceptable losses" in our fight bolster the economy and return some capital to investors.

But the conversation has taken a new turn as new solutions arise to put people back to work and restore our beloved trickle-down down economy ...

TOHU: Great news, Bohu!

BOHU: What's so great, Tohu? More that 46,000 Americans are dead from this thing in less than a month. And now they're gonna send the rest of us to die, too ...

TOHU: No, no,no! You haven't been watching the news. We're off the hook. They don't need send us out there and they won't need the Death Panels!

BOHU: What makes you so sure?

TOHU: There's a whole bunch of volunteers. Real patriots.

BOHU: True heroes.

Conservative groups are boosting the anti-lockdown protests 
Protesters in Michigan. From

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