And to think it all began with The Church Without Pants

Friday, September 7, 2018

The Continuing Adventures of Bohu and Tohu (E5)


Bohu and Tohu* talk about a Constitutional Crisis

B:            “Reckless”, “instability”, “erratic”, “half-baked, ill-informed” … and let’s see … “impetuous, adversarial, petty and ineffective.”

T:            Can you believe he used those words to describe the President?

B:            Tohu, to be fair, he didn’t call the President any of those things. That’s just how the White House operates. What he actually said was that the President is amoral and has no principles.

T:            Oh, that makes me feel better.

B:            They even talked about invoking the 25th Amendment, but recognized that using the Constitution would precipitate a “constitutional crisis.”

T:            How does following the Constitution bring about a constitutional crisis?

B:            Not sure, T. Unless … parts of the Constitution are considered dangerous, or possibly unconstitutional …

T:            If using the 25th is so dangerous, are there other articles and amendments that could be considered dangerous, or unconstitutional?

B:            You mean, like the 1st Amendment? Or XIII, XIV, XV, or even XIX, XXII, and XXIV?

T:            Yes, what about those? Or could the executive branch just claim that they are above the law?  

B:            Nah, it could never happen …
Blah, blah, blah

And so it goes … until





*The words Bohu and Tohu are derived from Hebrew characters found in the creation story. These characters are frequently translated as "Formless and Void" and describe the empty emptiness of the earth prior to the acts of creation. I imagine the personifications of these characters have been around for at least that long, too.