And to think it all began with The Church Without Pants

Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Continuing Adventures of Bohu and Tohu (E3)

Bohu and Tohu* talk about the proper use of FACTS

B:            Why so sad, Tohu?

T:            Research continues to show that my facts are wrong

B:            That’s easy to fix. Just say “FACT” at the start of each sentence. Use big letters when you speak or write. This establishes your knowledge and authority on whatever the subject is.

T:            But the facts aren’t true.

B:            It is true that your so-called facts are purely fictional, but “FACTS” are the same fictions that sound true because you said, “FACT.” A FACT can be literally anything, but the best FACT is something that’s really close to the truth.

T:            I want to write this down. Let me have your pen?

B:            (Hands Tohu a pen)

T:            (Writes) The best FACT is that which is closest to the truth …       

B:            Can I have my pen back?
T:            What pen?

B:            The pen in your hand!

T:            FACT, this is my pen. You gave it to me.

B:            Aarrrgh!

Blah, blah, blah

And so it goes ... until






*The words Bohu and Tohu are derived from Hebrew characters found in the creation story. These characters are frequently translated as "Formless and Void" and describe the empty emptiness of the earth prior to the acts of creation. I imagine the personifications of these characters have been around for at least that long, too.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Continuing Adventures of Bohu and Tohu (E2)

Boho and Tohu talk about a strategy to seize the political immunity idol

B:            Let’s create a dilemma.

T:            And let’s use some loophole so we can blame it on someone else.

B:            We’ve got to make sure the dilemma stirs people’s hearts.

T:            An important cause …

B:            A “morality” issue …

T:            And then I can offer a nonsensical solution …

B:            And people will cheer even though it doesn’t fix anything …

T:            Because at least we're trying to do something

B:            Unlike those who "created" the dilemma (wink wink)

T:            And I’ll be a hero!

B:            Wait, did I just hear you say that you will offer a solution and that you will be the hero?

T:            Well, yes, of course, I'll be the hero. Did you really think I'd let anyone else be the hero?

B:            But I wanted to be the hero! It’s MY turn to be the hero!!!

T:             (Thumbs his nose at B)

B:            And besides, your solution is a load of f'ing nonsensical BS !&%%!!

Blah, blah, blah

And so it goes … until





The words Bohu and Tohu are derived from Hebrew characters found in the creation story. These characters are frequently translated as "Formless and Void" and describe the empty emptiness of the earth prior to the acts of creation. While the earth is no longer a vast empty emptiness, we still find ample evidence of the personifications of Bohu and Tohu.

The Continuing Adventures of Bohu and Tohu

Bohu and Tohu* talk about Immigration and Children

B:            I’m outraged at what’s going on now!

T:            Oh Yeah? I’m outraged that you’re outraged!!

B:            At least I’m outraged about important issues!!!

T:            I was outraged before you were outraged!!*#

B:            I’m more outraged than you ever were!**!&?!

T:            Does that make you overaged?

B:            What do mean by that?

T:            You’re just trying to change the subject.

Blah, blah, blah

And so it goes … until 






*The words Bohu and Tohu are derived from Hebrew characters found in the creation story. These characters are frequently translated as "Formless and Void" and describe the empty emptiness of the earth prior to the acts of creation. I imagine the personifications of these characters have been around for at least that long, too.